Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Pay parking for Kilcullen?

Pay parking in Kilcullen may be closer than local people believe, if comments made at last night's KCA meeting are accurate.

In a discussion on traffic management in the town, KCA chairman Kieran Forde said the town was 'high' on the list of proposals in Kildare County Council for pay parking.

"Should we be asking for a traffic management plan for the town which might include pay parking?" he asked.

J J Warren said there were people who worked in the town who would be 'very disgruntled' if they lost their parking on Main Street.

Mischa Fekete said that while the prospect of pay parking wasn't something he liked, the systems introduced in Naas and Newbridge had 'changed people's attitudes'.

"If you have to pay for parking, you'll walk more," he said.

J J Warren suggested that a public meeting be called for a later date to specifically look at the issue of traffic management.

Nial McDonnell said that Kildare County Council should be asked if there was a traffic plan for the town, and that, if so, it should be presented and discussed.

Brian Byrne.