Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Parish Draw winners

The winners of the €12,000 first prize in the Kilcullen Parish Draw 2005 are Pat and Betty Goulding of Ballysax.

They're pictured above with Fr Andrew O'Sullivan and the seller of the ticket, Vivienne Byrne.

The winning ticket was drawn in the Parish Centre last night by Ross Clarke.

Ger Corcoran of Nicholastown won Second Prize of a €1,500 holiday voucher and the Third Prize of €500 went to Jim Berney, Mountain View, Kilcullen.

The other prizewinners of €100 were Hannah Charleton, The Fields, Carnalway; Daniel Aspell, New Abbey Road; Tom & Laura Kernaghan of Logstown, Kilcullen; and Jason Lynch, Hermitage Park, Kilcullen.

In all, 460 tickets were sold, and the funds to accrue to the parish from the Draw were €31,000.

"The result is due to all of you who sold tickets, knocked on doors," Fr Andrew told the people present at the draw. "And you know that the money will be put to help keep the parish in good shape."

He said that the parish had suffered a bad year in many respects, but the success of the Draw was at least one piece of good news.

Brian Byrne.