Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Table Quiz in aid of homeless

While at our very succesful fundraiser for the Michael Garry House Hostel For The Homeless last Sunday in Phena Bermingham's home, I met two of my old neighbours from my days at the homeplace, namely Greta Conroy and her daughter Margaret Burke.

Margaret is married to Liam Burke of Burke's Bar and Lounge in Dunlavin, and they are holding a Table Quiz this Friday night, November 18, in the lounge in aid of the Hostel.

The memory may be letting me down here, but I believe Greta said its €30 per pair, and kick off time is 8:30pm. She tells me the prizes are great, the craic will be mighty and everybody's welcome.

Indeed many's the night I partook in Margaret and Liam's hospitality in my youthful days socialising in Dunlavin, so I can vouch for their ability to make one and all welcome on their premises! So do go along and help them in their efforts to raise funds for this very worthwhile cause, and no doubt you'll have a great night doing it!

More info from Burke's on (045) 401469.

Roy Thompson.

(ED NOTE: Herewith some more pix from the Miscellany on Sunday.)