Monday, November 07, 2005

Farm SFP meeting Tuesday

A meeting of interest to all farmers and their families is being held in Hickeys of Calverstown on Tuesday 8 November.

It is being organised by the Kildare Community Partnership, formerly ASK, and agricultural advisor Pat Minnock will lead a discussion on the Single Farm Payment (SFP) scheme, which is due to be paid in December.

Questions to be addressed include what farmers are going to do with the payment, how did their farm enterprises perform in 2005, whether they should change their farming operations for 2006, and whether farm families can live without the SFP?

Suggestions as to how best the payment can be made work for the recipients will also be made, and in addition there will be time to discuss life after farming and pensions.

The meeting begins at 8pm sharp.

Brian Byrne.