Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Parish Classic raises €7,750

The Parish Golf Classic held in July raised a total of €7,750 for parish funds.

The event is organised each year by Nessa Dunlea and was held in the Curragh Golf Club.

Winning team Paul Murphy, Ger Peacocke, Francis Shortt and Lar Schwer with Paula Murray, Bank of Ireland (Sponsor). Pic: P Foley.

The Classic attracted 30 teams, and was followed by a very enjoyable social evening with John Kelly and Terry McNally providing the music.

The winning team was Ger Peacock, Paul Murphy, Francis Shortt and Lar Schwer. Second prize went to the Windscreen Centre Team led by Eugene Hall, great outside supporters of this event; and third prize was taken by Cathy Ann Berney, Howard Berney, Tony O’Sullivan and friend.

Windscreen Centre Team: Liam Shine, Michael Johnson, Eugene Hall (leader), and Sean Murray, with Paula Murray, Bank of Ireland. Pic: P Foley.

Tony O'Sullivan, Tom Ahern, Cathy Ann Berney (also won raffle) and Howard Berney, with Paula Murray, Bank of Ireland (Sponsor). Pic: P Foley.

"In this never-ending time of fund raising it is vital that we do remember our parish and come out and support these events," Nessa told the Diary. "Our sincere thanks to all who supported us in any way, and a draft for €7,550 was presented to Parish Priest Fr Michael Murphy to help with the repayment of the loan on our Parish Centre."

More from the Parish Classic

Brian Byrne.