Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Church art to be restored

A major refurbishment of the artwork in the altar area of the parish church is in the planning stage.

"The painted canvas backdrop to the altar is over a hundred years old, and needs attention," Fr Andrew O'Sullivan told the Diary. "It was painted by Italians, and as soon as I came to Kilcullen I knew the Italians had been here. They had a great sense of style."

Fr Andrew was already familiar with the type of decoration, as his own parish church in his native Wicklow had similar art.

"Also, the four depictions in the roof above the altar, which are painted on wood, are pretty dirty and in need of a fair bit of work," he says.

Although the church was built in the 1870s, much of the significant decorative works, including the pulpit, were added later. The backdrop theme is of angels triumphant, while the four panels in the roof represent Jesus of the Sacred Heart, Our Lady standing on the serpent, and a pair of archangels.

The early history of the church and its building is detailed here.

— Brian Byrne.