Wednesday, November 16, 2005

It'd be nice to know

Some recent work has been carried out at the Hideout crossroads which has involved extending the footpath area around the traffic lights.

However, the Diary is at a loss as to why this was necessary, as it only seems to make things more awkward for traffic turning left from the various roads, requiring them to swing out more to make their turn?

Maybe there is a good engineering reason. Which gives the Diary an idea. Wouldn't it be great if Kildare County Council posted plans in advance of all works it carries out in the town, in a public place like the Library or the Town Hall? It would mean that the community might actually get an input into the work.

At the very least we'd know what's going on.

(Maybe they DO post the plans somewhere? If so, maybe they'd let us in on the secret of where?)

Brian Byrne.