Sunday, June 05, 2005

Fr Andrew celebrates

There was a very strong turnout last night for Fr Andrew O'Sullivan's 10th anniversary Mass celebrating his ordination as a priest.

A young gospel choir provided the music in the church, which was full for the usual Saturday evening Family Mass.

Fr Andrew took the theme of equality for his homily, saying God's grace is free to all and does not discriminate.

"All of us come in different shapes and sizes, warts and all, so let's stop knocking each other and give to each other the support that we all need as human beings," he said.

He told the congregation that he is 'very happy as a priest', something that he felt was important to say clearly these days. "I have met extraordinary people over the last ten years, and I have been blessed in my two appointments so far. And the church is alive, and we must continue to put our trust in Christ."

He thanked his family for their support — especially his parents, for whom yesterday was also special in another way, as it was their 36th wedding anniversary. He also thanked his friends, and the parisioners who, he said, have been so kind to him.

Following the planting of a tree in the church grounds, there was a reception in the Parish Centre after the Mass.

A gallery of pictures from the event can be accessed here and a QuickTime audio of some of the music and the homily can also be heard.

— Brian Byrne.