Monday, June 06, 2005

Access walkabout on Saturday

Kilcullen Access Group is organising a Kilcullen 'Walk-About' to assess the town and its facilities for accessibility by people with disability.

The event takes place on Saturday June 11, beginning at 9.45am outside Scoil Bhríde. The Walk-About is open to residents of Kilcullen — including people with disabilities, elderly, parents with buggies — as well as local public representatives, business people, and local media.

KAG is a new voluntary group of local people which aims to promote high standards of accessibility to the built environment for everyone. Pat Cleary, Kildare County Council Access Liaison Officer, has also been invited by KAG to join with them in the event. KAG is supported by Action South Kildare.

The objectives of the Walk-About include raising awareness among the public, the media, business people and politicians of the difficulties some people in Kilcullen have in accessing the built environment. It will also involve a documenting of comments made by participants during the event in order to produce an Access Report, which can be used by KAG in their future work.

The new Kilcullen group aims to work in partnership with Kildare County Council, business interests and the Kilcullen community to make Kilcullen an accessible town for all. It welcomes the support of local business during the Walk-About.

Further information from Geraldine Kelly at 087 9864542 or Anne Daly (Action South Kildare) at 045-895450.

— Brian Byrne.