Request for Carnalway bathing location designation
A request to identify Carnalway as a Designated Bathing location is being made at the next meeting of the Kildare-Newbridge Municipal District, writes Brian Byrne. The spot near Carnalway Bridge has been used for generations by swimmers from the Kilcullen-Brannockstown area and further and the designation request has been made by Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer.
"People already swim there and we all learned to swim in Carnalway," she told the Diary. "If an area is designated a bathing area it will have the water quality regularly inspected and there is the possibility of some funding. But most importantly, because it is already used as a bathing area, it would be good to have the water quality regularly monitored and a bathing status would ensure that be put in place."
Identified bathing waters are monitored, managed and assessed under the requirements of the 2008 Bathing Water Quality Regulations. The regulations followed the transposition of the Bathing Water Directive (2006/7/EC) into Irish law in 2008, aimed to enhance the protection of bathers' health and introducing stricter standards for water quality. Local authorities are required under the legislation to identify such locations.
There are as yet no Designated Bathing Waters in County Kildare. Last summer KCC sought public assistance in identifying such locations so a profile of each could be developed, including an assessment of the risk of pollution and what action would be taken if pollution occurs. Among details requested from the public were how swimming areas have been used up to now, how many people use the site, what facilities (eg — signage, parking, toilets etc) exist at the site and how accessible it is, and what safety issues exist.
The submissions closing date was 26 September last, but it's not yet known how many were received by the council.
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