Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Pancake Camino fundraiser well supported

The pancake crew: Sandra Quigley, Audrey Cully, Siobhan Dunlea, Jane Bonnar, Lucy Coade and Ann-Marie Walsh.

There's been a steady buzz of conversation and sizzle of frying pancakes in the Artaban Hall at Bridge Camphill this morning, writes Brian Byrne. All in aid of a Camino Challenge fundraiser to provide a holiday for Bridge residents.
It's the initiative of Lucy Coade and Sandra Quigley, who work with Bridge Camphill and are undertaking a 106km sponsored trek along the Camino de Santiago in May. The Pancake Tuesday morning is one of a number of events planned between now and when they leave. There's also an iDonate page here
"Walking on the Camino had always been on our minds," says Lucy, who lives in Athy. "We had decided to do it this year, and when we had it organised we thought it would be nice if we could use it help bring some of our 16 residents on a holiday, probably in September." 
Their walk will be done over five days, and Sandra admits that she's going to have to up her training game. In addition to building up pace along the new distributor road and associated walkways in Athy, she's borrowing a treadmill from Sandra. "It's not always easy for me to get out at night, so I'll do some my training walks in my own house."
Sandra, from Blessington originally but now living in Kill, probably has a slight edge on her friend, by walking her dog 'about a million times a day' according to Lucy.
A Family Fun Day at the Bridge Community in April and a Table Quiz in May are on the cards, more details closer to the events.
Nuala Collins, Sean Landers and Eugene Brennan.

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