Councillors' comments at Oakway development meeting
Cllrs Heavey, O'Dwyer and Power (file photos). |
There is currently no wait list for Scoil Bhride in Kilcullen, those attending last night's public meeting on the proposed Oakway Homes development were told, writes Brian Byrne. Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer, reacting to concerns raised about school places, said the primary school will accept 62 new children in September 2025.
"They are not at capacity," the councillor added. "There was no wait list for 2024 and they were able to cater for all children, and it is expected to be the same for 2025."
For second level places in Cross and Passion College, she said there is a wait list, 'as there would be in every secondary school'. "However, the CPC extension has been committed by the Department of Education to commence construction in 2025, bringing it to a 1,000-pupil school."
On childcare places, Cllr O'Dwyer noted that the Kilcullen Community Childcare Centre currently has a wait list of 20 children. She said the centre has the scope to expand and would like to seek planning permission for an extension. "But they need funding, and I would prefer to see either a contribution from the developer towards this or that the developer assist in the building of such an extension, rather than providing a new creche which probably wouldn't be built until the end of the development."
She urged everyone at the meeting to make their own submissions on the proposed development. "Include what you want even if you are afraid it's not possible, and let the planners then decide — but at least have your voice heard." She said she was available to help anyone who requested it with their submissions.
Cllr Rob Power told the meeting that a draft amendment to the Kilcullen Settlement Plan includes a provision for serviced sites kept for local people with housing needs. He said if the current application fails at the KCC level, it would have to be resubmitted under the new regulations.
Cllr Noel Heavey reminded those present that the proposal under discussion 'has to be in agreement with the Kildare Development Plan' and that a knowledge of that plan was ideally needed for the preparation of submissions by any committee that might come from the meeting.
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