Sunday, September 15, 2024

Senator speaks to CPC students

Image: CPC.

The importance of public service, the need for volunteerism, and the empowerment of local government and communities were addressed by Senator Fiona O'Loughlin during a recent visit to Cross and Passion College. She was speaking to students of the college as the guest of the Political Education class. 
The senator described her work in the Seanad as the Fianna Fáil Deputy Leader, Spokesperson for Education, and as Chairperson of the Oireachtas Women’s Caucus, and the all party Dementia Group as well as being Head of the Irish delegation to the Council of Europe.
Senator O'Loughlin previously served as a TD for Kildare South, elected in 2016. She has written to Fianna Fail party members seeking their support at the next selection convention for candidates in the next general election.

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