Saturday, August 24, 2024

Rainbow of remembering at playgroup celebration

Members of staff and Board of Management.

A rainbow appeared over Kilcullen during last evening's 50th anniversary celebrations at the Kilcullen Community Childcare Centre, writes Brian Byrne. Appropriate, because a rainbow has been part of the Centre's logo for many years.
The event in a marquee in the recently completed garden and play area of the building first opened in 2014 was a happy occasion, and one to share many memories of generations who were either children from the original Naomh Bhride Community Playschool established by Maureen Keogh and Peggy Walker, or who have as adults been part of the development and management of the playgroup towards and as its current facility.
There was ice-cream, face-painting, food and sweet goodies, and a few short speeches and presentations. Most of all, though, it was an evening of happy reminiscence.
There was also the announcement of a new bursary which can be applied for by a student on any early years course from NFQ Level 5 and upwards. named in memory of Peggy Walker.
We have some of the pictures posted here, all are available as usual at this link.
And we'll have a more comprehensive report in due course.

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