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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Teams sought for Lions Golf Classic

A Golf Classic being organised by Kilcullen Lions Club will raise funds towards the energy upgrading and upkeep of the Club's sheltered housing in Kilcullen, writes Brian Byrne.
The Club is looking for teams to participate in the event, slotted for Friday 17 May, at the Royal Curragh Golf Club. Tee off times are 11am to 1pm, and 2pm to 4pm. The entry cost is €200 per team with a meal included.
Sponsorship of a tee box costs €50 or €100. Enquires: Jim at 086 0692544 or Matt at 087 2571003.
The St Brigid's Grove sheltered housing unit comprises four homes provided by the Kilcullen Lions Club in 2001, with the aid of a £212,000 grant from the Department of the Environment & Local Government under the Voluntary Housing Scheme. The project was also coordinated with the help of Kildare County Council and the Eastern Health Board. 
St Brigid's Grove following opening in 2001.

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