Friday, February 16, 2024

Centre CE leads to full time jobs

Some of the busy schedule at the Centre.

The benefits to Community Employment workers at Kilcullen Community Centre are clearly shown by how they have gotten jobs afterwards, the recent AGM of the Centre heard, writes Brian Byrne. "Our last three CE workers are now in full-time employment," Centre manager Enda O'Neill noted during a discussion on the need for more such help at the facility.
Apart from one CE participant who began last August but had to leave in November, the Centre hasn't had CE workers for two years. With one full-time and five part-time staff employed, wage costs have increased hugely.
"Our full complement of CE participants would be five, but if we could get even two, it would be very helpful. We're putting out the ads, but nobody's biting."
The Centre's board chair Cathy Phelan commented on the fact that CE workers only get €27 extra over a Social Welfare payment for doing 19.5 hours work as part of the problem. "It's an insulting amount," she said. 
The need for CE worker help is illustrated by the fact that most of the Centre's facilities are going at 100pc with the time and staff available. "We could open more hours, but that would need more staff," Enda O'Neill said. "Because we are busy, our staff are working to peak."

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