Cloak on the Moat on bank holiday
A musical and story gathering at the Moat of Ardscull on Monday next 5 February will celebrate the bank holiday in a unique way, writes Brian Byrne.
The Cloak on the Moat is scheduled for a 2pm start and is being organised by the Village Voices Community Choir under the auspices of the South Kildare Villages History and Heritage Group.
In addition to the Village Voices from Narraghmore, featured artistes include Kevin Morrin, Paul Linehan and Joseph Gorman, with local historian Colm Flynn providing the stories appropriate to the weekend. The St Laurence's Set Dancers will also show their paces.
Dress-up in clothing styles of 1,500 years ago is encouraged and there will be a prize for the best dressed Brigid.
The event is sponsored by Kilmead Tidy Towns, Kildare Credit Union, Michael Dunne Haulage and Young World Playschool.
All welcome.
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