Saturday, December 30, 2023

Scoil Bhride in national final of Someone Like Me art competition

Images: Someone Like Me website.

Scoil Bhríde Kilcullen has been named as Junior County Winner in Kildare of the Someone Like Me national art competition organised by the National Disability Authority, writes Brian Byrne.
The entry by Ms Walsh's 2nd Class Robin won the school a spot in the national final taking place on 17 January in Dublin's City Hall, at which there will be 47 other schools competing. More than 2,200 national schools entered for the 2023-2024 competition, in the eighth year of the event.
Contributions included posters, collages, large sculptural installations and multi-media pieces.
The competition was created by the National Disability Authority to encourage more positive attitudes towards persons with disabilities. 
The winners gallery can be seen here

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