Sunday, November 26, 2023

Explore Your Archive Week - 2

Explore Your Archive
is an annual campaign in Ireland and the UK to highlight archive collections, with a different theme assigned to each day, writes Mary Orford. As part of our Brigid 1500 project, we thought it was timely to showcase a few photos from the Meitheal of Memories archive of our community. Thanks to all the donors, these scenes of past life in Kilcullen are captured and stored for future generations.  
2. Expedition/Turas Taiscéalaíochta 26th November
No prizes for guessing where this photo was taken.  You can easily recognise a pyramid and sphinx at Giza, Egypt.  The lady on the camel, Margaret O'Rourke née Sweeney, (second from the right) was a Main Street resident who worked, prior to her marriage, for the Mansfield family at Morristown Lattin.  The Mansfields travelled extensively and some staff travelled with them, hence this photo. Donated by Margaret's granddaughter, Geraldine Nugent. After all her travels, Margaret settled down and lived at the Old Courthouse on Main Street. 

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