Sunday, October 15, 2023

Cheque presented to Irish Cancer Society from 21st Mac and Norman Rally

A cheque for €29,250 was presented to the Irish Cancer Society last night, representing the funds raised by the 2023 Mac and Norman Vintage Rally, writes Brian Byrne. The gathering in The Hideout also celebrated the completion of the 21st year of the rally, established by the Sully and Egar families of Kennycourt. 
Speaking on behalf of the organising committee, John Kennedy thanked all who had helped made the event such a success for 21 years. "You keep coming back year after year, and we couldn't carry on without you," he said, adding the committee's appreciation equally to all those who have donated to the cause down more than two decades.
The cheque was accepted by Mary Twohill, a night nurse with the Irish Cancer Society whose work is involved with patient end of life care which allows their families respite overnight. She said the service could not exist without donations such as those provided by the Mac and Norman rally. "Ninety-five percent of our funding comes from events like yours," she told those present, thanking all involved with the rally for their support. She also outlined the range of other services which the ICS provide, including telephone helpline, Daffodil centres to offer information, and research into improving cancer treatment and outcomes. "Your support over the last 21 years has raised hundreds of thousands of euro, and you should be very proud of that."
Last evening's presentation brought the total raised by the event since its inauguration to €579,250.
The pictures from this year's rally can be seen here

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