Saturday, September 30, 2023

Irish Writers Handbook 2024 open for pre-order

For all writers and budding writers out there, the upcoming publication of The Irish Writers Handbook 2024 is worth pre-ordering now, writes Brian Byrne.
Compiled and edited by Ruth McKee of Books Ireland, the Handbook features advice from 50 contributors, including Donal Ryan, Jan Carson, Kevin Power, Kit de Waal, Madeleine Keane, Nuala O’Connor, Patrick O’Donoghue, Una Mannion, Vanessa O’Loughlin, Brian Langan, David Butler, Deirdre Nolan, and many more.
It's an invaluable resource for writers of all kinds, fiction and non-fiction, and for illustrators, with practical advice and information including contact lists for the Irish publishing industry.
Pre-order at your local bookshop.

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