Friday, August 18, 2023

Finding Brigid in Kilcullen tomorrow afternoon

A reminder that the next key Heritage Week event in Kilcullen is tomorrow, Saturday, afternoon, with a walk to seek references to St Brigid in the community, writes Brian Byrne.
Organised by Julie O'Donoghue and Mary Orford, Finding St Brigid will start from the Library at 2pm with lots of interesting ideas for all the family, including recreations of clothing and tools from Brigid's time. Children can try on St Brigid's 'cloak' and also find their Celtic names.
This should be a fun event, and it looks like the saint has intervened and the heavy rain due overnight will likely have passed, but suitable walking shoes or boots are advised for walking through the Valley, which may be wet and a little slippy underfoot.
There will be refreshments and chat back in the Library after the walk.
Also, this afternoon (Friday) is the last chance to see the new documentary on the 1903 Gordon Bennett Cup Race, How Ireland saved Motorsport. The half-hour video runs continuously from 2.30pm until 5pm in the Town Hall Theatre. All welcome.
Other events in the wider area today include a special Naas Country Market at the Moat Theatre, running this morning from 9.20am-12.15pm. In addition to the goods on sale there will be a demonstration of making drop scones and soup, and a demonstration on beekeeping and felt-work. This evening Clane local storytellers will recall historical events involving people laid to rest around the Friary ruins in the Abbey Cemetery beside the Westgrove Hotel, starting at 7.30pm. The outdoor event will then relocate to the graveyard at the Abbey Community Centre to finish by sunset.
(The Diary's linked spreadsheet of Heritage Week events through County Kildare can be accessed here. They are tabulated both by town and by date.)

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