Saturday, July 15, 2023

It Says in The Bridge: July-August 2023

In their annual migration from the US to Kilcullen, archaeological students at this summer's 'dig' on DĂșn Ailinne are part of the main story on the July-August Bridge, writes Brian Byrne. The draw of the historic hill is detailed by the group's director, Dr Susan Johnston, who has been coming here herself for some 21 years, and spoke at the recent Open Day that itself has become an annual outing for many interested in Kilcullen and Ireland's far-back past.
The people of those times had their own knowledge of nature and how to care for it, and the magazine's centre spread details a local family's reintroduction of traditional biodiversity-friendly techniques to their farm and the positive results. It illustrates how big is not always best, and sometimes going forward means taking a few steps back.
There's some other looking back in a story about the imminent return of regular films to Kilcullen's Town Hall, which muses on the history of the premises from the time it was built in the 1930s through to being a highly successful cinema for more than three decades. In the upcoming reincarnation, there'll not be three different prices, though ... this writer remembers 1 shilling for the back, with middle seats for 8d and front benches for 4d ('d'= pennies in real 'old money').
Meantime, how a local woman's interest in bio-sciences is bringing closer improvements in organ transplants for infants is the stuff of another feature, about Ellen Kelly's research at the National Virus Reference Laboratory. Achievements of other Kilcullen people are also noted, including the election of Dr Deirdre Collins to the chair of the national GP organisation, and Colm Maloney to the presidency of Cistercian College Roscrea.
Works of the Creative Writers Group figure in this issue with a poem, an extract from a fantasy novel in progress, and a memoir. The group is currently resting for the summer, but there'll be more output in September.
Our regular columnists continue to be reflective, with Mary Orford delving into the stories of miracles and cures and healing wells, Billy Redmond on 'blow-ins', and Sean Landers recalls the Donovan Concert in the same Town Hall of above in the spring of 1972 ... which includes intriguing references to locals involved. The 20 Questions this month is with local teacher Gary Kenny.
There are predictably up-beat end of year feelings in the schools pages, with graduations, tours, and diversity all part of the reports. A piece about the late Alice Doran of Gormanstown will bring memories to many, and the Out and Away page prospects the Ridge of Capard and its scenic walking routes.
There are big birthday celebrations marked too, for Billy Redmond, Pat Kelly and Sean Landers. And more ... but you'll have to buy your own copy to keep up with it all.
No Bridge in August, as usual, so from the Editor and Editorial Board, have a lovely summer.

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