Friday, June 30, 2023

Details of Cairde security App outlined at meeting

Details of the new Muintir na Tire Cairde App which is being rolled out to complement the current Text Alert system were provided at a meeting in Kilcullen last evening, writes Brian Byrne.
The event, hosted by the Kilcullen Garda District Text Alert Committee in the GAA clubhouse, was also attended by Kilcullen Gardai who provided seasonally-themed advice on keeping homes and property secure from thieves.
Chairperson of the Text Alert committee Aaron Cotter told those present that the Cairde App has been tested in pilot initiatives over a number of years and is now being rolled out nationwide.
For Kildare it is being sponsored by Kildare County Council in association with An Garda, and there will be no cost to individuals or communities to use it.

Developed as a form of neighbourhood social network, the app offers customisable participation options, including private space to list details and photographs of personal valuables so that in the event of theft these can be forwarded to the Gardai to help with their return if recovered.
Users of Cairde can also specify which kinds of alerts they wish to receive, which can range from reports of anti-social or suspicious behaviour through warnings about straying livestock or missing pets and persons. The user can also choose whether or not to receive Garda or Council messages, and notifications from their own local groups such as Tidy Towns.
Aaron Cotter emphasised that Cairde will not replace existing Text Alert systems. "It's an enhancement, through which Text Alert messages can be sent to people with smartphones, but they will also be sent in the normal way to older phones."
He added that all 600 or so contacts on the current Kilcullen system will be migrated onto the Cairde platform, but GDPR protocols will be fully adhered to. "This will take time to build," he concluded. "But the more people who sign up to use it, the better it will be."
Further information meetings about Cairde are planned by the committee for the Kilcullen area.
(We'll post on the home security advice separately.)

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