Thursday, April 13, 2023

New play for young people at Riverbank

A new play for young audiences opens at the Riverbank Arts Centre on Saturday 22 April, writes Brian Byrne.
'The Wrens', written by Dan Colley, is about a collection of 'tricksters' living in the bushes at the edge of town, of whom the townspeople are wary. But those same people are happy to avail of services such as healing spells, love potions, and haircuts available from the residents of the gorse.
It's for young people aged 8 and above, and perhaps a different way of interpreting the old history of the 'wrens' who lived in destitution on the Curragh during the British Army times. It is described as 'poignant, funny and wildly speculative'.
Dan Colley is Theatre Artist in Residence at the Riverbank Arts Centre, a creative director specialising in  ensemble-devised theatre, theatre for young audiences, comedy, community participation, puppetry, and outdoor spectacle.
'The Wrens' is co-commissioned by DraĆ­ocht and co-produced by Riverbank Arts Centre, supported both by Fishamble’s New Play Clinic and The Ark; funded by the Arts Council of Ireland.

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