Thursday, April 06, 2023

Musical Reflection for Holy Week in Gormanstown

Extracts from a recital presented last evening in St Joseph's Church, Gormanstown, Kilcullen Parish, by the Gormanstown Choir and The Dara Quartet, as a fundraiser for  a mission to refugee camps in Jordan, beginning 28 April 2023 and which will include three volunteers from Kilcullen Parish. 
The mission is part of a twice a year programme run by Atlantic Humanitarian Relief (AHR), and will provide medical, paediatric, surgical and dental care, together with humanitarian aid, focused on refugee camps in Northern Jordan. 
The money raised is used directly for purchase of medical and surgical supplies, in-country transport, and purchase of operating theatre time in participating local hospitals. 
The Gormanstown Choir is directed by Dorly O'Sullivan, and organ accompaniment by Peter Moloney
A Rough & Ready Production by Brian Byrne for Kilcullen Diary.

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