Saturday, April 08, 2023

It Says in The Bridge: April 2023

The state of play with a proposed heritage walking trail in Old Kilcullen is the lead story this month, about the reveal of an initial study and ideas for it, writes Brian Byrne. If or when it comes to fruition, the format of 'quiet roads' suggested would be a first for Kildare, according to the consultants.
Such facilities are all part of the ability to enjoy our heritage and environment, and if properly developed and used can also protect that environment and its biodiversity. Which is also the core of a story on the establishment of a consultancy by local woman Cliona Kelliher to bring environmental education to schools and other community organisations in the form of workshops.
Encouraging older people to get out walking in their local and wider areas is the theme of another story about the recent Fitsticks Gathering in the Community Centre, promoting the use of 'Nordic Poles' to help those with balance or mobility issues get out and about with confidence. Meantime, in Noel Clare's regular Out and Away article, the walks around the lovely Vale of Clara in Co Wicklow are this month's subject.
The first pieces from the Creative Writing Group hosted in Woodbine Books once a month appear on the group's page in this edition, a poem and two pieces of prose. Three quite different writings and just a taste of the wide variety of the work actually building within that growing group.
The main colour feature of the month is from the Kilcullen GAA Dinner Dance & Awards Night 2023, which illustrates well how 'The Rags' got back in their glad rags for a really fun night out, the first since such occasions were stymied by the pandemic.
There are a number of business stories, including the winning of a major retail award by Nolans, a quite different effort and experience for a business that already has groaning shelves of awards for their products. Elsewhere, Dowling Property have been celebrating their 21st anniversary, and Nichola Kennedy's Kilcullen Opticians came away with high commendation in the Pride of Premises 2023.
A look back at the 2023 musical from CPC's TY students headlines the standing ovations the talented students received and deserved for 'Fame'. In the other schools pages, St Joseph's NS has been pictorially busy while Scoil Bhríde's reports range from participation in the Peace Proms to a very enjoyable set of activities during Seachtain na Gaeilge. In Brannoxtown CNS, they took time to reach for the stars in a space exploration project.
From the regulars, Billy Redmond muses on the reply to his missive to President Michael D about the possibility of getting 'The Cheque' early while still able to enjoy it. Sean Landers recalls the Castlemartin connection of the late Lord Grey Gowrie, Mary Orford brings us back to the 'Ulysses Storm' of 1903, and still in reflection of the past, there's a piece about the 'wet batteries' that kept our rural neighbours connected to the outside world in the 1950s.
As is appropriate, the spiritual offerings from Fr Gary and Julie Felsbergs are Easter in theme, Julie thinking about the 'call of the tribe' in that and wider contexts.
There's more news, other features, and more. From the usual outlets, the usual €2. Enjoy.

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