Tuesday, March 07, 2023

'Protect food production land' - Ballyshannon Action

Image: Ballyshannon Action Group.

The 'exceptional' tillage land of County Kildare should be preserved, given the potential fodder and food shortages of coming years, according to the Ballyshannon Action Group, writes Brian Byrne.
This was one of more than a dozen requests made of Kildare County Council by the group in the public consultation on Kildare's County Development Plan, which were highlighted at last week's public meeting to consider the setting up of county-wide monitoring of the activities of extractive industries.
Noting that that sector's activities are already 'over-saturated' in County Kildare, the group says the land which will 'feed our families and our farms' for future generations should be protected rather than earmarked as aggregate resources for quarrying. 
The Ballyshannon Action Group is awaiting a High Court decision on whether they can take a judicial review against a Bord Pleanala decision that overturned a KCC refusal of planning permission by Kilsaran Concrete to open a quarry in their rural area.

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