Saturday, March 04, 2023

'No improvement' in littering over 45 years

Des Travers: litter-picking brings him 'out into the community'.

Kilcullen's litter problem hasn't improved over the last 45 years ... but picking it up has got better, writes Brian Byrne.
Those were two views noted at the recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action, by Ray Kelly and Noel Clare respectively.
The comments came after Des Travers humorously noted that picking up litter has long given him occasion to be out in the community than sitting at home 'doing something like watching television'.
More seriously he said that every time anyone driving through the town sees litter thrown on the sidewalk gets a 'reduced' perception of Kilcullen.
In the ensuing discussion it was agreed that chewing gum on paths is 'not as bad as it used to be', but 'heavy' litter remains a problem.
Cigarette butts and, increasingly, discarded vaping units are also significant littering issues.
When it was suggested that the anti-littering message should be given in schools, Martin Sheridan said that both schools in the town already bring pupils on regular litter picking outings.

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