Thursday, March 09, 2023

It Says in The Bridge: March 2023

The lead story this month reflects the quarries issue which has very much been in the news since Ballyshannon decided to fight against one planned for their area, writes Brian Byrne. But now they are taking the matter county-wide, from a meeting which is headlined as having been ‘very productive’.
The tone of the discussion was to consider what needs to be done to pull back what's perceived as an extractive industry allowed to regulate itself at the expense of communities and county. A call was made for the state to ‘lead from the front’ as well as demands for strict monitoring of the industry’s activities, carbon emissions, and environmental effects. We’ll be reading more on this, no doubt.
The centre colour pages this month report on retirements which saw people who have served the Kilcullen community well leaving main street. In the case of Pat Clarke, it finished 40 years with the Credit Union. For Ger Wixted it was the end of 36 years providing fruit and vegetables, as well as a very social hub for her customers. Photos from both stories show friends, colleagues, and customers gathering to wish the retirees well.
There's a recap of a busy February on other news fronts too, including the Old Kilcullen Heritage Trail Study that will be open to view at Halverstown NS this Saturday. The clearing of the site for Kilcullen GAA's 'Field of Dreams' is noted, and Detta Phelan's 90th birthday with friends and family is recorded — as also is Kilcullen's John Healy's achievement in being elected to the YFG National Executive.
In addition to the regular columnists there's a feature on how chess in schools, notably Scoil Bhride, helps with developing strategy and social skills for the pupils. AGM reports from the Community Centre and KCA detail progress and promise on many fronts. From our regulars, Mary Orford looks back at some highlight events in the history of Halverstown Cricket Club, the Out and Away series takes in walks around Roundwood's Vartry Reservoir, and Billy Redmond makes the case for getting a President's Centenary Cheque somewhat earlier. Sean Landers continues his conversations with Maurice Baxter, this time about how he worked for and spent his school holidays money. Julie Felsbergs ponders on how it is far too easy to forget people in tragedy-struck countries once the news focus moves on. The 20 Questions page is from Katelyn Hegarty-Kelly, who has completed her degree course in Applied Freshwater and Marine Biology.
Our newer feature regulars include Camphill, which looks at current projects such as a mosaic initiative for around the town, and further development of the Farm & Nature Trail. The Brigid 1500 Creative Writers Group report on their inaugural meeting, and provide a list of appropriate books for those wishing to become writers.
There were stars in the eyes of pupils at Scoil Bhride and St Joseph's NS last month when both schools had visits from Dancing with the Stars contestants Carl Mullan and Emily Barker. Brannoxtown CNS had an abundance of celebrations in February, marking the Chinese New Year, St Brigid, Shrove Tuesday-Mardi Gras and more.
Kilcullen is all there, in every issue of The Bridge, usual outlets and still €2.

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