Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Vandalism of lifebuoy

A lifebuoy in The Valley has again been interfered with in the last couple of days. This is the kind of activity that could cost someone their life.
A Life Saving Equipment Bill 2017 currently before Seanad Eireann would provide for a custodial sentence of up to five years, and a financial penalty of up to €50,000, for interfering with life saving equipment such as defibrillators and lifebuoys. Senator Mark Wall, noting the Bill in the Seanad last November, said 'a strong message needs to go out' to anyone who is thinking of the theft of life-saving equipment. 
"It is simply not good enough," he said. "It can destroy lives and potentially cost people their lives. I welcome the fact that it has been brought forward. I look forward to supporting it in the future."

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