Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Quarry meeting in Ballyshannon tonight

A reminder that a meeting to discuss quarry issues throughout Kildare will be hosted by Ballyshannon Action Group this evening, Tuesday, 28 February, writes Brian Byrne. Councillors, TDs and Senators from across the county have been invited, along with relevant interest groups and individuals, to participate in the event in Ballyshannon Hall, starting at 7.30pm.
The meeting is aimed at establishing a constructive discussion forum on how planning for quarrying in Kildare is both granted and monitored, according to a spokesperson for the organisers. "The quarrying companies have their lobby, it’s time all of the individuals and local groups throughout this county, fighting poor quarry-related planning and practices in their areas, had a collective platform, so that our voices can finally be heard. You just have to look at what's happening in and around the likes of Kilcullen, the Hill of Allen and Dun Ailinne as just a few examples, to realise that Kildare has a problem when it comes to quarrying."
Among the issues to be discussed is the lack of any monitoring or measurement of what is being extracted by the quarry industry in the county, or where the demand for their products is coming from. "Without measurement there can be no management of the issue," the spokesperson said, "and the people of Kildare pay the price while private companies make huge profits here.”
Registration of interest can be made by email to ballyshannonaction@gmail.com or watching the group's social media for more details: Ballyshannon Action Group on Facebook, Twitter @Ballyshannonac1 and Instagram.
(First published 15 February 2023.)

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