Monday, February 27, 2023

Kilcullen man on Young Fine Gael National Executive

Kilcullen man John Healy has been elected to the position of Leinster Regional Organiser on the Young Fine Gael National Executive, writes Brian Byrne. He won the position at the YFG National Conference held at the Galway Bay Hotel in Salthill, Galway.
A member of YFG in Kildare and at UCD, where he is in his second year studying History and Politics, John is a former student of CPC and was an active member of Kilcullen AFC and St Anthony’s Youth FC as well as Kilcullen GAA and athletics clubs in Crookstown and Celbridge. He was on the Kildare and Leinster high performance squads for Shot Putt and Discus, and also played American Football with the Newbridge-based Cill Dara Crusaders.
When not in college, John works in his father Tom’s business Healy Tyres in Naas, and on weekends in Kilcullen he can often be found walking with his Irish language tutor, practicing his passion for the Gaeilge.
As an enthusiastic committee member of the YFG Branch in UCD, John was very happy to see it recognised at the Galway event as the YFG ‘Branch of the Year’. John focused on driving membership recruitment and organising fun and engaging events for members.
Planning to bring this same energy to his new role on the National Executive as Leinster Regional Organiser, he describes his election to the position as ‘an honour and a privilege’. “I am excited for the opportunity to restore the Leinster YFG branches to what they once were,” he says.

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