Tuesday, December 13, 2022

CPC Christmas Concert had live audience again


The Christmas Concert presented by the 6th Year classes of Cross and Passion College was held in Kilcullen Community Centre this afternoon, writes Brian Byrne.
The Centre was a full house for the performance, with students and teachers as the audience. All present were welcomed by CPC Principal Joe Leonard, who recalled how during the pandemic years the concerts were staged on social media.
"I almost can't believe we are here again," he said. "Two years ago our 6th Years recorded their songs in the wind in the courtyard around The Sacred Space and we tried to schedule things so that students had the time to watch. Last year they came over here and performed without an audience and we recorded those and tried to stream them back. Yes, we made it work, but it is just so good to be back here."
He said it was difficult to do many things as a whole school simply because CPC is such a large school, but this event was one of the few where this is possible. "This is a special day, let's enjoy it."
Our short video above provides just a taster of the concert. A Rough & Ready Production by Brian Byrne for Kilcullen Diary.

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