Saturday, December 31, 2022

A year of Kilcullen Diary Podcasts

Though I didn't do as many podcasts as I had intended to at the beginning of 2022, it surprised me just how many I posted when I looked back through the year, writes Brian Byrne.
They ranged from recollection and memoir musings to interviews with local people about their work and business. There were also some voices from the past, not least the Home Front Kilcullen programme recorded by Majella Duane for CKR Radio back in the day.
A series was The Accidental Pilgrim, based on my sometimes quirky observations during a parish pilgrimage to The Holy Land back when Fr Michael Murphy was parish priest in Kilcullen.
One favourite was my interview with Billy Schwer, a former schoolboy champion with Kilcullen Boxing Club, when he came home from Luton in the summer to visit his old haunts of Old Kilcullen, Milemill, and other memorable local places.
Looking back through the 2022 list, and the very positive feedback which I got from many of the programmes, has encouraged me to do more in 2023. I will, I promise. Meantime, pick a few listens here which might prompt some memories of your own.

All the Kilcullen Diary Podcasts can be accessed here.

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