Sunday, November 06, 2022

Kilcullen Tidy Towners a 'healthy mix'

KCA/Tidy Towns AGM 2022

A ‘healthy mix’ of people involved in the Kilcullen Tidy Towns programme garners one of several congratulatory comments in the Adjudication Report for the town in the 2022 competition, writes Brian Byrne. The fact is described as ‘heartening’ in the Community - Planning & Involvement section of the report, noting the different generations and mix of new and longtime residents in the makeup of the group.
The section is one of two where the Kilcullen score was increased by three points, in the total improvement of 14 points achieved by KCA’s Tidy Towns work. The other three-pointer is in Open Spaces and Landscaping, where there’s particular mention of the group’s maintenance of walks around the town, including along by Pinkeen Stream, and helping with pollinator-friendly flower beds on the Community Centre campus. The Library Garden also impressed. On another side of the coin, the group is urged ‘not to despair’ about instances of vandalism — they are capable of ‘brushing this off’ and moving on quickly.
Pinkeen Stream.

In Streetscapes & Public Places there’s applause for how Kilcullen is working with local and other authorities to develop and enhance Kilcullen, notably in the proposed development of Market Square. The refurbishment by Murphy Design of their premises is noted particularly as ‘bringing symmetry’. The adjudicator wonders if the community is aware of the merit of a number of notable heritage features and buildings in the town?
Murphy Design before and after.

There are plaudits for ‘a lot of effort’ in the Nature & Biodiversity section of the report, particularly in actions to benefit wildlife and habitats in the area. The work of primary and secondary students there is given justified appreciation. The award-winning scything workshop organised by Ray Kelly also gets honourable mention.
The Sustainability category brought in two valuable points, with special mention of the circular economy workshops by the local Community 4 Climate Action group, the progress of the Kilcullen Sustainable Energy Community, and the implementation of the KCA poly tunnel project and its associated rainwater collection. Local businesses River Cafe and The Coffee Hatch are complimented for donating used coffee grounds to supplement the Tidy Towns composting initiative.
The single extra point for Tidiness & Litter Control represents an incremental improvement in an area which rather ‘runs itself’ according to the report. CPC TY volunteers get kudos for their painting of the streetscape bollards. On the other hand, the cable ties on lamp posts — relics of both politics and ‘poor workmanship’ by some contractors — are doubly noted. Other negatives are overhead wires, and security notices on the CPC and Library gates, and the now disused rusty security barrier visible in the church car park.
Conroy Park.

In Residential Streets & Housing Areas, Conroy Park gets ‘clean and tidy’ and ‘nicely presented homes’ accolades. But the ‘loss of form’ of the ‘drastically cut back’ trees is lamented, and there’s a suggestion that they be replaced by silver birch. Nicholastown Estate is described as ‘a fantastic example’ of how a green area can be managed for wildlife and still provide an amenity area for residents — so much so that the adjudicator will be sharing photographs of it to ‘lots of Tidy Towns communities’.
The Approach Roads, Streets & Lanes section also  comes out positively, especially the ‘clever promotional idea’ of the Keep Kilcullen Tidy sign using local pictures, and also the red-painted wrought iron gate on the Newbridge Road. On that same road, the adjudicator suggests bringing the name sign for Kilcullen closer to the town speed limits.
In concluding remarks, he congratulates the work of the committee for some 25 years in transforming the town. “With growth in your population, you have ensured that new residents have integrated smoothly into the community. You are applauded for your efforts over the last 12 months, especially in the newer categories of the competition.”
Sorting the Summer Flowers.

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