Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Agreement to take Cnoc na Greine in charge

An agreement that the Cnoc na Greine estate will be taken in charge was achieved at today's meeting of the Kildare-Newbridge Municipal District, writes Brian Byrne.
The move was welcomed by Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer, who said Cnoc na Greine was one of three legacy estates she has been working with for the last three years to have taken in charge.
"The residents of Cnoc na Greine have waited 20 years for this day," she said in a statement, "and I am delighted to have had the privilege to work with them to finally progress the estate to this phase. It has not been easy for the residents throughout this time, but together we kept at it and were relentless in our goal to agree a resolution for Cnoc na Greine and for all the stakeholders involved."
The councillor expressed her thanks to the Building Development Team in Kildare County Council and in particular Kildare County Council Engineer Paul Makuza. "The Building Development team have worked tirelessly to prepare surveys and liaise with Irish Water to reach a solution for Cnoc na Greine and their efforts are greatly appreciated."

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