Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Still 'no funds' for Two Mile House footpath link

Where the footpath ends.

A request that the Council be ‘shovel ready’ should funds become available to provide a footpath from Dowdingstown Woods Estate to the village of Two Mile House was kicked to touch at today's meeting of Kildare-Newbridge MD, writes Brian Byrne.

Cllr Tracey O’Dwyer had made her request by way of motion to the meeting, asking to Council to commence the legal land transfer process so as to be prepared for the project.
But the official response was that both land transfer and the installation of the footpath require funding, and ‘there are no available funds for this year’. The response added that the matter can be revisited in 2023.
The matter has been an issue since 2016, and the estate is the only one in the village from where children cannot walk safely to school.
At the time the Council cited difficulties with the acquisition of land for the footpath.

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