Friday, October 21, 2022

Local Garda centenary celebrations under way

On stage in Scoil Bhride today.

Current and retired Garda members of the Kilcullen Garda District will parade down the town tomorrow morning as part of a local celebration of the hundred years of An Garda Siochána, writes Brian Byrne.
The parade will begin from the Garda Station between 10.30am and 11am and make its way to the far side of the bridge, where the Last Post will be played to honour members of the force who have died on active duty through the century.
The event will then move to Kilcullen Heritage Centre where a number of speakers will recall the key activities in which the Garda have been involved since the foundation of the state.
The commemoration will follow the AGM of the Kildare Federation of Local History Groups, scheduled for 10am in the Heritage Centre.
Medals will be presented to serving and retired members of the force to mark the centenary.
Muiris Ó’Raoghaill talks with Helen Birchall about her Garda father.

In Scoil Bhride this afternoon there was a very impressive and moving celebration organised by the school’s teachers and pupils. It included a talk by retired Scoil Bhride teacher Helen Birchall about her father, one of the first recruits to An Garda when the force was established. 

Gardai from the Kilcullen station also attended, and Sgt Tom O’Donoghue spoke about the work of the modern garda. Retired Superintendent Dick Burke, whose daughter Audrey is a teacher in the school, recalled events from his own time in the service, including providing protection to a number of taoisigh.
Pupils placed red roses beside a candle at the top of the school hall to commemorate the 89 gardai who have died while carrying out their duties.

Kildare Decade of Commemorations historian James Durney spoke about the importance of the formation of An Garda when the state was established. Around the hall were more than 50 artworks made by the pupils, illustrating their perceptions and research about various aspects of the Garda service.
An ensemble rendition of Ireland’s Call led by Garda Sean O’Mahony was followed by everybody present standing to the Tricolour and singing Amhrán na bhFiann.
We’ll have more on the school event later as well as reporting from tomorrow’s main commemoration. Meantime, the Diary’s photographs from the Scoil Bhride commemoration can be viewed here

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