Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Garda commemoration event for Kilcullen

A commemoration of 100 years of the Garda Siochána in County Kildare is being organised for Saturday 22 October in Kilcullen, writes Brian Byrne.
The event will coincide with the AGM of the  County Kildare Federation of Local History Groups in Kilcullen Heritage Centre.
A seminar following the AGM will focus on a hundred years of policing by An Garda Siochána, which will include a display and explanation of uniforms and equipment used by the force down the decades. A parade of serving and past members of the Garda from Kilcullen will also be part of the event.
A special programme for the children of Scoil Bhride is also in preparation for the previous day, Friday 21 October.
More details closer to the dates.

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