Thursday, October 20, 2022

Busy CAN meeting last night

At the CAN meeting: FĂ©ile Morris (Sec), Mary Young, Avril Moran (PRO), Robbie O'Sullivan, Aisling O'Sullivan, Harry O'Neill and Pat Donnelly (Chairman).

Strengthening the links between all estates in Calverstown was discussed at last night's meeting of the Calverstown Action Network, held in Dowling's Bar, Ballyshannon. The initiative is designed to ensure that CAN events and information can be shared more easily with all residents. It was agreed that members will make contact with people they know in various estates.
The meeting also discussed signage, with one quote for new approach road signs already received and another pending. A suggestion that a Village Notice Board be placed in a central location was agreed, and a request for a quotation is to be made.
The meeting heard that the committee had met with the developer of a new housing estate in the village, and that he was keen to work with the group in order to enhance the village. Both parties are in agreement that a boundary wall on the road side of the stream is not in the best interest of the village.
Pending the eventual aim of getting a footpath between Calverstown and Ballyshannon, the committee discussed the possibility of cutting a narrow strip of the  grass verge along the roadside between the village and Ballyshannon crossroads. This would allow walkers to step off the road to avoid on-coming traffic.
The meeting also discussed upcoming activities — a Litter Pick/Clean Up on Saturday 29 October, starting at 2pm; A Pub Quiz on 18 November in Dowling's Bar, from 8pm; and a Christmas event provisionally planned for 3 December, details of which are still to be worked out.
The next meeting will be on 9 November in Dowling's, at 8.30pm.

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