Thursday, September 15, 2022

Pinkeen bridge sections placed this morning

The placing of two preformed sections of the new pedestrian bridge over Pinkeen Stream was completed ahead of schedule this morning, allowing the reopening of the Community Centre access road well ahead of the 12 noon plan, writes Brian Byrne.
Under the direction of Oliver Sweeney, operations manager with HES Civil, the two sections were unloaded and lifted into place by crane, then nudged together by some skilful digger manipulation.
Earlier this week, preparatory work on the site had included a slight diversion of the stream to facilitate placing the sections.
The work on the bridge is expected to be completed over coming weeks, including the surfacing and addition of handrails. HES has sponsored the bridge's construction, which was negotiated by Cllr Tracey O'Dwyer, and Kildare County Council will provide traffic calming and table-top crossings on the roads on each side.

KCC has expressed its appreciation for HES's involvement, saying the Council would not have had the funds to construct the bridge at this time.

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