Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Last fundraiser for next month's Medical Mission for Syrian Refugees

An online presentation by Dr Brendan O'Shea and the local team on the Atlantic Humanitarian Relief Medical Mission for Syrian Refugees in Jordan will be held on Monday next, 19 September.
The Zoom presentation starts at 1pm and will last for an hour. It is the last fundraiser before the team departs for Jordan at the end of September. Tickets are available by open donation at Eventbrite here
The mission to the camps in Northern Jordan will provide essential medical, dental and surgical services, in collaboration with local hospitals, and The University of Irbid Medical School.
Volunteers have self funded their own travel, accommodation and time. Additional funding is required for medical supplies, running clinics, administration, and purchasing operating theatre time, at cost, from local hospitals.
The local team comprises Dr O'Shea, Dorly O'Sullivan and Nurse Corinna Hopkins, and a recent concert by the Gormanstown Choir in Kildare Cathedral raised €7,656 towards the costs of September's mission.

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