Tuesday, August 30, 2022

'Terrifying' speeds claimed at KCA meeting

Road by Nicholastown (Image: Google Maps).

Speeding by vehicles, including trucks, in Kilcullen was described as 'terrifying' at the recent meeting of Kilcullen Community Action, writes Brian Byrne, with the opinion also expressed that it is 'a miracle that nobody has been killed'.
Particular places noted by the meeting chair, Eoin Houlihan, were the stretch from Brigid's Avenue to Avondale, and the Naas Road approach from Dunleas to Centra.
"Once they clear the speed bump at Daybreak they literally put their foot down," he said of the first, adding that on the other side of town vehicles including tractors are 'flying down' as they go by the corner at Woodbine Books. "I really feel that the speed campaigns focused on motorways are forgetting the situations in the smaller towns."
Downhill from Hillcrest (Image: Google Maps).

A comment suggesting the installation of 'light-up' dynamic speed indicator signs brought advice from Sergeant Tom O'Donoghue to 'see your councillor'. He reminded the meeting that such signs have been installed locally in communities like Athgarvan. He also said that new speed bumps installed in Brannockstown have been 'hugely' helpful in controlling speed there.
Ray Kelly suggested that speeding on the road along by Nicholastown could be mitigated by a solid central median, which has worked very well for years in Oylgate in Co Wexford.
Noel Clare said speed control measures for Kilcullen should be written into the Design Statement currently being drafted, and which is due for public reveal at the end of September.

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