Tuesday, August 16, 2022

CPC lodges new building planning application

The Board of Management of Cross and Passion College has applied for planning permission for new College buildings and associated works.
The development will involve  the phased demolition of existing school buildings, with the exception of the existing Cross and Passion former convent building and nearby stone building which are to be retained and refurbished.
To allow the school to remain operational during the construction period, the College seeks permission for the erection on site of new temporary school accommodation units along with the retention of the existing temporary school accommodation units.
On completion of construction works, all temporary school classrooms will be decommissioned and removed.
The phased construction of a new 2- and 3-storey school building with a total gross internal floor area of 10,005.7m² (the total new school floor area incorporating refurbished elements is 11,414.7m²) will incorporate 37  general classrooms, a series of support and specialist classrooms, a special needs unit, a library, multi media rooms, a single storey multi-use sports hall, staff rooms and all ancillary accommodation including photovoltaic panels at roof level. There will be an externally accessible storage shed (33.5m²) and plant (42.5m²) within the retained and refurbished stone building, and a separate bin enclosure (25m²).
The new school grounds will comprise the existing grassed sports pitch, which is to be retained, and the construction of 6 multi-use hard ball courts, outdoor seating and breakout areas, a sensory garden, a construction studies yard, and associated hard and soft landscaping including the retention of the majority of existing trees on site. These include the existing woodland area along the R413, which is to have the addition of a woodland trail and seating area.
Existing vehicular and pedestrian access arrangements from the R413 and the R448/Main Street will be retained and there are proposed new pedestrian access arrangements through the site between Main Street and the Community Centre/sports grounds to the south of the school.
The proposed works include the modification of the internal roadway and the provision of 92 car parking spaces (including 5 disabled parking spaces and 2 EV charge point spaces) and 177 bicycle parking stands providing 354 parking spaces.
The proposal also includes new foul and surface water drainage system works incorporating pump station, soakaways, SUDs measures, rainwater harvesting, a new substation (28m²), Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) and Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) compounds and all other associated site and development works.
The application file number is 22993 and submissions can be made up to 15 September 2022.

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