Saturday, July 30, 2022

Kilcullen couple's business in today's Times

Kilcullen online entrepreneurs Eoin Houlihan and James Byrne feature in today's Irish Times in an article on sharing your living space with your business, writes Brian Byrne.
The piece in the Home & Design section of the paper's Weekend edition highlights the Faerly sustainable living business they set up during the early pandemic lockdowns.
They describe how the business was initially OK in their house, but as it grew they found it necessary to relocate it to the garden in a purpose-furnished new shed last December.
"It means our house is 'home' again and for the most part work stays in the shed," James told journalist Arlene Harris, adding that the difference is 'immense'. And even though there's now a 'commute' of around a hundred yards to work, that's a big improvement over the hour and a half he spent each day going to his previous job with Glanbia.

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