Tuesday, July 26, 2022

It Says in The Bridge: July-August 2022

The lead story in this issue is about the latest cohort of the Kilcullen Community First Responders, who recently were given a special pin and certificate by the National Ambulance Service for their contribution to the community, writes Brian Byrne. Some are pictured during a training session where they were called out to 'an emergency'.
The magazine's front page also highlights two related centre spread features, of businesses centred in Naas but involving Kilcullen families — the closure due to retirement of Gouldings Hardware and Nolans Butchers in Naas. Noel Clare talks to Pat and Betty Goulding on the one hand and Derek Nolan on the other as they end their respective enterprise eras.
Other features include a profile of Paula Phelan's new practice to provide life coaching, after 25 years working in leadership areas in large organisations — she says she's back to working directly with people.
A new young writer from CPC has his first Bridge article, James Groome reflects on Playing With the Pen as he outlines his early forays into writing. There's a profile too of local woman Anna Kondera, who offers help to people making the last journey we all face, an 'end of life companion' as she describes it.
From the Bridge 'regulars', Mary Orford looks back at the early days of television sets in Kilcullen, headlined by a quote from my own father Jim Byrne that the reception was 'sometimes perfect, sometimes not so good' ... and those of us who remember the oft-times 'snowy' picture in the Hideout will smile. Julie Felsbergs ponders on the importance of our circle of friends in life.
In her Living Sustainably column, Cliona Kelliher discusses the 'Carbon Footprint versus the Carbon Shadow' argument. Sean Landers continues his series on Peter Purcell Gilpin, this time 'The Wizard of Clarehaven' as an exceptionally successful horse trainer. Billy Redmond discusses a number of parish matters, including the potential for raising funds from the car park, the possibility of having grand concerts from the combined choirs and church singing groups in Kilcullen, and the lack of a Novena in this parish. Garda Jon Brien is at the interrogation end for this month's 20 Questions, and John Duffey supposes on the easier time the nomads of 2000 BC had it compared to the 'monster' haunting many households today. A KCA insert outlines the work of the group over the last year.
In sport, Ger Breen reports on the history-making ladies of Kilcullen GAA when they beat Eadestown in the Kildare LGFA Division 1 League final in late May, while Joe Mallon continues to click the clubs for St Bridget's Pitch & Putt. The awards presented to Kilcullen AFC U12 double champions are reported by Sheena Coogan.
News reports include Fr Mackey's farewell mass and reception, photos from the Pieta concert, and the Ballyshannon Action AGM.
And if you want a final smile, check out Billy Redmond's ode to Medics & Pills that 'keep me moving'. All too true.
It's the last Bridge until September. Enjoy.

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