Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Happy Birthday, KCA

Last evening was the 21st anniversary of the formation of Kilcullen Community Action, writes Brian Byrne. There was no particular celebration. 
There was no need of one, because everywhere you look in Kilcullen there is something that celebrates two decades of work to make Kilcullen the special place that we all know it to be.
But just as a reminder of some of what has made KCA such a key element in the 'village grown bigger' where we live, I have a piece in the Kildare Nationalist published today.
It might be worth a read. In the meantime, the Diary has asked a number of people who have been involved in the organisation down the decades what it has meant to them. We'll publish pieces based on their answers over the next while.
Meantime, Happy Birthday, KCA. And thank you. 

NOTE: The 2022 AGM of Kilcullen Community Action will take place on Thursday 26 May, in the Town Hall beginning at 7.30pm. All welcome and new members always appreciated.

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