Friday, April 29, 2022

If you're in a domestic violence situation, don't suffer in silence

Anyone suffering from a domestic violence issue can contact the Gardai for help in a number of ways, writes Brian Byrne.
That was the essence of an awareness exercise today across the country as 'Go Purple Day'.
Speaking at Kilcullen Community Centre, Detective Sergeant Diarmuid Lalor told the Diary that it is a subject which needs discussion, and that An Garda will always be available to anyone seeking help.
He detailed a number of ways those 'suffering in silence' can access that help, and promised that all messages will be responded to.
Among those in attendance were Sergeant Tom O'Donoghue, Garda Joanne O'Sullivan, Garda Jon Brien, Wendy Cagney, and Cllrs Evie Sammon and Tracey O'Dwyer.
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