Friday, March 18, 2022

Looking Back: Guys and Dolls in Kilcullen

Shane McGrath (Sky) and Laura Burke (Sarah) in 'Guys and Dolls'.

Back in August 1997 there was a 'not to be missed' show in Kilcullen's Town Hall Theatre from a youth drama group Together Productions, writes Brian Byrne.

As recorded by Leinster Leader reporter Sylvia Pownall at the time, there was a cast of 40 for 'Guys and Dolls' under the direction of Paddy Melia, with a 'huge' input from Newbridge drama and technical talent for the show. Budding stars from all over the county were involved in the show, which had received sponsorship from Kildare County Council.

The leads were filled by Shane McGrath, Joe Brien, Laura Burke and Ann Fitzpatrick, according to the clipping in PJ Lydon's scrapbook of Kilcullen stories from 1986-1997. Mischa Fekete from the Bridge Camphill Community was set designer, turning the stage into New York underworld hotspots of a casino, the hot box cabaret, and the sewers of the city against the skyline of skyscrapers and neon lights. Sylvia's report notes that inventiveness was called for using revolving flats for those different areas. The show ran for eight nights.

The 'not to be missed' quote, well that was from Paddy Melia in his usual understated promotion (not!) of the show. The group had been very successful the year before with a production of 'Grease'.

UPDATE: As a result of posting the above, Mischa Fekete resurrected this other photograph of the production. He wonders how many others reading this will recognise themselves.

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